This post is not about time or space
I'm not sure what its about yet, but by the end of it I'll have a pretty good idea of what I wasted my time on. I had crab cakes tonight and I have to say, crab cakes are quickly becoming my new favorite food. Crab cakes are just delicious. The sauce that they put on them, be it a cousin of horse radish or something alltogether more pink, is worthy of praise.
But in more important news, do you want to know the way to cure hiccups? I'm sure you've heard 10 different ways by now. Maybe jump on your left foot and hold your nose? Maybe scare someone?
Well today is your lucky day because I've tried this next method about 6 times and it has worked EVERY time. That's right. You don't need to pay me for the information I'm about to give you, all you need to do is let me know if you try it and it works. Because it will. And then you will officially be my disciple. And/or minion, depending on how you look at it.
Heres the trick:

step two. hold your breath. now have someone give you water. drink the water. and behold, hiccups are gone.
I'll tell you why this works.
Believe it or not, your throat has two tubes in it. The esophagus and the trachea. one goes to your stomach, the other to your lungs.

air goes down one tube and food goes down the other. it sucks if you mix up which is which. the body does this by using a flap called the epiglotis. that is either over one or the other, depending on what you are doing. but you breathe all the time, you know? well i dont care if you know or not, you breathe all the time, damnit.
your brain tells your throat "shit! hes breathing, flap over" and then "ok hes gonna swallow, flap back" and so on. Thats a lot of communication. When you ge the hiccups, your brain is fucking up that signal.
Basically, your brain is saying "swall-breath-ow" and you are like **hiccup** what the fuck.
So you need to get scared, that works.. because your brain is like SHIT! oh, its cool... swallow-breathe-swallow and basically you restart.
The move I just explained essentially restarts the signals. It says "SWALLOW DAMNIT". Holding the breath is key.
Try it out, let me know
It works