I've been listening to radiohead all day. I even dissected a rat spine while listening to OK Computer. Do you want to know why? Because torrents rock.
Torrents allowed me to get the entire discography of radiohead in the time it took me make dinner. And all I made was pasta. God loves the internet.
Speaking of God, check out 9 of the most badass bible verses . Pretty funny stuff.

So here is a real problem I have. It's about college kids who go to college but don't want to learn. I just don't understand it. I guess it is the next thing to do after highschool, y'know.. go to college. But I'm sure you've had this conversation before:
You: Hey man, what's going on?
Lametard: Nothin dude, I've got this stupid psychology paper to write.
You: Oh yeah, what's it about?
Lametard: I dunno, it's such a dumb class I hate it, I don't even pay attention to it. I just like to get blackout.
You: That's cool. What's your major, anyway?
Lametard: Psychology
See the issue? People go to college and don't care about what they are studying at all. They have majors that they aren't interested in. It's so silly to me. Why don't they persue an interest? Sure employers want to see a degree, but I think idiot-face might enjoy life a little more if he tried to do something that interested him instead of something that doesn't--and then focusing on drinking so much alcohol that he is officially unconcious.

Not that I'm against drinking. I'm just against it as a profession. As a major. As a concentration. I doubt you'll put the longest beruit streak that you've had in your resume.
But on the subject... If you do play beruit, you should bounce. Its terrible how few people bounce. It is the most satisfying accomplishment in alcohol-related sports. It's the equivalent of a head shot. A sack wack. Or scaring someone by jumping out from behind something. Bouncing is superior. Try it more often.

You want to know what else you should do? You should skydive. Honestly, it is the most surreal thing I've ever done. I'm constantly impressed by the things humans have done. The fact that I can get up that high, first of all, is unbelievable. But being able to jump from that height and not die? Ridiculous. Human's get so incredibly ill. That's not to say that other organisms aren't fiendish in their own right. I couldn't make honey, bees can. I couldn't maul your face off, bears could. I couldnt jump onto the top of the kitchen counter, cats can. But can a cat make an iPhone? Naw. Humans are amazing, I'm glad I'm one of them.
Its pretty neat how technology evolves. I think we probably owe our accomplishments to the fact that information can be stored. Like someone had a good idea and they wrote it down. So someone else built off of it. Ifso facto, I'm your boss.
And finally, you should crack your toes. If you crack your fingers then thats great. But cracking toes, in my oppinion, is superior.

And like that,
Hes gone
excellent post, but i don't think i like the new radiohead album, in rainbows
even though i got to dl it for $0.00 on their website the day it came out
Nice sneak shot with the pussy/boobies pic. Get it? PUSSY!
Also get rid of the word verification on your comments, it bothers my fingers.
wait i still have to read the rest of the post but in your first paragraph you mention the bible verses thing which im pretty sure i saw on digg right?
ok it's not a competition but you're winning
you are absolutely right about that one dave, very astute. I should put a link up to digg. also im a big fan of kurzweil... i like it on your site, well done.
its not a competition, its just the best way to keep in touch with friends ive ever come across. plus now that jeff has stepped up his game things are looking up
oh and roy. good call on the word verification. its been obliterated.
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