But you know what else? I think I might move locations. Don't be afraid. You will barely notice. I'll probably make this site redirect automatically so you really really don't notice.
Why am I moving?
Well I'm not sure I'm moving yet. I'm pretty sure. For now I'll be staying here.
But I want more pages! I don't like how I only have one page. I want a video's section, I want a pictures section, I want a section regarding x and another section regarding y.
You might have a problem with this, but I doubt it. All the things I type will still end up on the front page. So it might happen. Watch out. And when it does. Oh boy. You are really in for it then.
Kinda like this.

American cheese is really an absurd cheese. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I don't like it on crackers, I don't like it as a cheese really. It's something else entirely. It's just this fatty slice of delicious. With cheddar I get the feeling that its wholesome kinda. Same with provolone, mozzarella. These are cheeses and you can get them in Italy probably. They are classy cheeses.
American cheese is not classy at all. But maybe that's what I like about it. It melts differently. It causes trouble and it tells meat that its going to chill on top of it and make it taste better, regardless.
I don't know, but I made macaroni and cheese yesterday and I used a lot of american cheese. It really got its point across.
Here is my dilemma. (cheese not included in following comments)
Spring break is coming. I am going somewhere this year.
In a fragment... Spain or Costa Rica?
Shall I weigh out the options? I shall.
Well let's start it off. Hyde is in Spain. No, it's not that I miss him terribly and must be near him because I can't stand it any longer. That is what directs me to Spain in the first place, though. Otherwise I'd probably go to Germany.
But Hyde is in Spain. So !zeig fleischen de fluggen! (not an actual german phrase, but say it angrily and youll sound german) (also say "!dry-vin zee audi!)
Hyde speaks spanish, I've never been to europe, howley and sean would probably go. Spain is looking pretty solid so far, right? I'd stay in a hostel, which I'm down with. And I'd just kick ass in general.
However, hyde might be too busy (with finals) to actually hang out. Also, I'd probably prefer to be in Madrid or maybe even just travel about for a week and hope to get back to the airport on time. I'm not sure. Europe is sweet and it could be extremely cool to go there. But if I went I'd have pseudo-obligations to stay in seville.
Oh and clearly if I went to seville I'd rent a moped instantly and I'd rent it for the whole week. Might even see if I can get my paws on something faster.
Costa Rica
My girlfriend will be there as well as a bunch of kids from UVM. Well I'm not so sure how many a bunch actually translates to but the bottom line is that I'll be chilling hard. Ill do what I can to get a moped but I doubt that's the scene. I'd be staying in a 17 dollar a night place in the jungle. Sounds sick, right?
My american dolla dolla would be worth cash money, too. However, that would mean that I go back to the tropics and I still have yet to cross the atlantic.
Who woulda thought i'd cross the pacific before the atlantic.
I don't know. I just don't know. It's tough. I like being further away than closer. So spain gets a bonus. I like mopeds, hyde, howley, sean, so spain gets a double bonus. But not really because howley will be skateboarding all day like a dork, hyde will be studying like a loser, and sean smells bad and is bad at halo.
So the reasons I'd go to seville in the first place are null and void.
Except for the moped. Which always knows just what to say.
I'll let you know when I decide.