It was the beginning of summer on a really sunny day. I just got in the car with my room mate... we were heading up to Vermont to move into the new apartment.
I miss sunny days a little bit. Call it seasonal depression, except I'm not actually depressed.
Anyway, it's one of those great days where you want to keep your windows open on the highway. We are driving on 93 north and fast approaching the south of boston. We head on into that sweet new tunnel.
You know how your eyes get really crazy when you are outside and then suddenly go inside? It's like you are blind for a few seconds. Well that happened. They have those sweet orange lights in the beginning that somehow help out with that (I don't know, it's science) but my eyes weren't feeling it. I couldn't see shit. I never had it so bad.
So I turned on my headlights. Still pretty dark. High beams. Nope.
What the fuck??
I could see a little bit but not really.
So I turned to my room mate next to me, "dude... dude i can't see shit my eyes are so fucked up"
In one sentence I realize how much of an idiot I am.
"You have your sunglasses on"
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
4 Reasons why AvP-r was badass.
The insults are excellent.
We can all agree that the humans (with maybe a slight exception for the hot chick) are not any reason to go see AvP-r. With that said, I was very impressed by the biting insults delivered to worthless characters in the movie. One of the many times in the movie you'll want to say 'fuck yea' is when the older brother absolutely owns the deusche bag kid who says "let's just leave and not get guns". He gets shut down quickly and told why that's a terrible idea, then..."you're too stupid to talk, shut the fuck up". Haha, awesome.
The movie is rated R.
Who the hell makes an Alien versus Predator movie PG-13? That was the biggest mistake in that last shit show of a movie. Alien and Predator are both heralded, individually, as being some of the goriest movies of their time. Why would you make AvP suck so bad. This movie, AvP-r, is aptly hyphenated. It was rated fucking R. That means don't bring a little kid to this because you are going to see some crazy shit.
People are killed off in the best of ways.
The first two humans to get it, get it REAL good. This first scene is worth the 10 dollars alone. If you like alien movies, that is one of the best scenes in the entire series. The way that as soon as things start to get cheesy or hollywood, predator steps in and absolutely runs shit is so brilliant. Oh what's that, this movie is getting a little sappy? Insert amazing death scene followed by predator badass-ing around with his fiendish gadgetry.
The predator makes you say "fuck yea" a lot.
I love predator. I think he is one of the illest badasses ever to be put on screen. He is so stealthy, has the most ridiculous technology, and has the coolest bushido style of all the aggressive space hunters out there. Try NOT to say fuck yeah when he obliterates human heads off of attacking bodies, sets up devious alien battle traps, and creeps around in trees shooting plasma balls.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
So I just beat my dad in chess. Count it.
I'm not very good at chess but it is such a great game. My parents got this great chess set. It's nothing ridiculous like crystal pieces or anything. Just nice solid pieces. Hopefully I'll have more than a few battles on the chess board over break.
Yesterday was a travel day so I didn't post. A few things on yesterday/this morning...
-People who have chunks of ice fly off the top of their car and onto the front windshield of mine suck. Though I dodged one chunk spewage.
-Don't press the windshield wiper to clean stuff off if you have no fluid. You end up with a bunch of sand and grime in your view that makes you drive with your face about an inch away from the window
-Don't just put your windshield wiper fluid, when refilling, in any old container with a blue cap. You might just put it in the wrong place, like I did. Idiot.
I woke up to the sound of alien blasters. It sounded so weird. It sounded like crazy bubble beams or something. Then I realized it was anders puking. Not quite an alien laser. But I swear I thought it was when I regained consciousness.
Ok guys, that's it for now. I've got to go into cambridge.
Peace to your fleece
I'm not very good at chess but it is such a great game. My parents got this great chess set. It's nothing ridiculous like crystal pieces or anything. Just nice solid pieces. Hopefully I'll have more than a few battles on the chess board over break.
Yesterday was a travel day so I didn't post. A few things on yesterday/this morning...
-People who have chunks of ice fly off the top of their car and onto the front windshield of mine suck. Though I dodged one chunk spewage.
-Don't press the windshield wiper to clean stuff off if you have no fluid. You end up with a bunch of sand and grime in your view that makes you drive with your face about an inch away from the window
-Don't just put your windshield wiper fluid, when refilling, in any old container with a blue cap. You might just put it in the wrong place, like I did. Idiot.
I woke up to the sound of alien blasters. It sounded so weird. It sounded like crazy bubble beams or something. Then I realized it was anders puking. Not quite an alien laser. But I swear I thought it was when I regained consciousness.
Ok guys, that's it for now. I've got to go into cambridge.
Peace to your fleece
Sunday, December 16, 2007
the coffee house post
Waking up without a clock nearby is pretty interesting. You have to guess what time it is. And that's pretty tough when your windows are covered in snow. I felt like a bear.
So I got up and eventually walked downtown. Winter wonderland. It's so nice when everything has a nice blanket of snow over it. Cars struggle and trucks dominate. Walking is the preferred method of travel. It's not bad weather at all. it's only bad if you need to drive from A to B. But if you are just cruising, like me, then it's great.

Part two of the storm is coming down right now. I'm in a coffee shop, drinking potato leak soup out of a cup and watching the snow fall outside while I sit next to a fireplace.

I actually planned on coming here and being by myself (for the most part) but when I got here 4 of my friends were here already. So I didn't whip the computer out until just now. I'm doing some online shopping... well I'm trying to.
I'm not going to say what I'm trying to get because certain individuals may or may not be reading this. So lets just pretend I told you what I am trying to find. It's near impossible to get! The the company's website server is having serious issues. Its like trying to register for classes when the whole school is doing the same. Except this involves purchases.
Hmm, might be a good idea to buy stock in __________. But I bet its pretty high already.
So baguettes dipped in soup are simply delicious.
I don't know if I like the baguette more or the soup. I guess that's a silly question to ask anyway. Who eats peanut butter and jelly and asks if they like the peanut butter or the jelly better. Clearly its the wedding of the two that make it delicious.
When people buy a 2 liter of soda, or a 20oz, or any finite amount of soda that comes in a bottle or a can. Whenever you buy soda and then pour it in a cup and drink it (which you should do whenever you can) you MUST fill the glass up with as much ice as possible.
I don't understand why people dont do that. People like to use the excuse "well you get less soda" or "it gets watered down".
Please. First off, if you buy a 20oz you only have 20oz no matter how you spin it. And two, if you have enough ice in it you pour, you drink, you pour, you drink. It doesnt get watered down because you drink it so fast.
you know what, I don't think its ever a legitimate course of action to ask for "no ice". "dude you get more soda!" yeah but you get no ice! damnit. Never order a fountain soda without ice in it if you are around me. That's so silly it hurts.
Alright readers, thanks for joining me. I'm going to finish my coffee and head down to three needs for some local beer. Hyde, you remember three needs, it was on that beer show you showed me on the food network. it's pretty good.
Cheers everyone,
Happy holidays
So I got up and eventually walked downtown. Winter wonderland. It's so nice when everything has a nice blanket of snow over it. Cars struggle and trucks dominate. Walking is the preferred method of travel. It's not bad weather at all. it's only bad if you need to drive from A to B. But if you are just cruising, like me, then it's great.

Part two of the storm is coming down right now. I'm in a coffee shop, drinking potato leak soup out of a cup and watching the snow fall outside while I sit next to a fireplace.

I actually planned on coming here and being by myself (for the most part) but when I got here 4 of my friends were here already. So I didn't whip the computer out until just now. I'm doing some online shopping... well I'm trying to.
I'm not going to say what I'm trying to get because certain individuals may or may not be reading this. So lets just pretend I told you what I am trying to find. It's near impossible to get! The the company's website server is having serious issues. Its like trying to register for classes when the whole school is doing the same. Except this involves purchases.
Hmm, might be a good idea to buy stock in __________. But I bet its pretty high already.
So baguettes dipped in soup are simply delicious.

I don't know if I like the baguette more or the soup. I guess that's a silly question to ask anyway. Who eats peanut butter and jelly and asks if they like the peanut butter or the jelly better. Clearly its the wedding of the two that make it delicious.
When people buy a 2 liter of soda, or a 20oz, or any finite amount of soda that comes in a bottle or a can. Whenever you buy soda and then pour it in a cup and drink it (which you should do whenever you can) you MUST fill the glass up with as much ice as possible.
I don't understand why people dont do that. People like to use the excuse "well you get less soda" or "it gets watered down".
Please. First off, if you buy a 20oz you only have 20oz no matter how you spin it. And two, if you have enough ice in it you pour, you drink, you pour, you drink. It doesnt get watered down because you drink it so fast.
you know what, I don't think its ever a legitimate course of action to ask for "no ice". "dude you get more soda!" yeah but you get no ice! damnit. Never order a fountain soda without ice in it if you are around me. That's so silly it hurts.
Alright readers, thanks for joining me. I'm going to finish my coffee and head down to three needs for some local beer. Hyde, you remember three needs, it was on that beer show you showed me on the food network. it's pretty good.
Cheers everyone,
Happy holidays
Saturday, December 15, 2007
the saturday night post
well if I dont post now, I certainly won't post later on tonight.
First and foremost, this blog (aka me) would like to personally applaud katie for finally commenting. Welcome to the blogosphere. Howley could learn a thing or two from you.
For instance, how to be an attractive female. Howley, step up your game.
But enough of howley and katie, they aren't important to this post. And howley gets really upset when I talk shit about him on my blog.
Back to what is important.. Emeril.
Here is why I strongly dislike emeril, I wont say hate because it is perhaps not the correct word. But I saw an episode of emeril, or whatever his show is called, and I wanted to commit first degree murder and convince my lawyer to get me off on manslaughter.
I watched his show and he walked out like an all-star. Like the messiah of food. He walked around a set. With an audience. In a suit. To music. It's a COOKING SHOW. He's not a leader of some grand nature.
He shook a randomly selected few hands from the front row (a man of the people, no doubt). and then began to cook.
Disgusting. But he's not as bad as rachel ray. I take it back, they are equally terrible. Want to know who wins? Barefoot Contessa, ina garten. She doesn't pretend to be anyone shes not and she makes damn good food. She has nice little food parties and is just a good gal. Cheers to the barefoot contessa.
But enough food network. Let's discuss something of supreme importance. Mac apps. This one is for davesplat because its very cool. Very cool. and it doesn't even use that much of your CPU. In fact, I notice zero difference in performance.
Download Wall Saver. It is great. Basically, whatever your screensaver is now becomes your background. Use flare at first and be amazed by the glory of dynamic desktop backgrounds.
Then go find a screen saver that is REALLY cool. Like Electric Sheep.
Tomorrow I'm going to post about the crazy storm we are getting. Everyone up in burlington still is here to weather the storm. I like what Jeff hyde said in his blog. It was about the way people bond over a nice snow storm.
People around me are discussing:
Two girls one finger.
Salsa snack.
I assume they are as terrible as two girls one cup. I bet you'd like me to check those videos out and tell you if they are terrible. But I won't. Call it suspense. Or maybe I just don't want to see them.
Ew. Ew gross. They are watching them and I'm listening to them. They sound just as bad. Splattering. Ew.
Ok, last thing.
Tonight I'm going to go to a friends house but guess where he lives. Walk to papa johns (like papa ginos or pizza hut) and then walk to the side door. The next door is his place. Thats right, he lives directly above papa johns. Weird, right? If you lived there wouldnt you get papa john's all the time? If you were really lazy or just too tired to move. Apparently he even gets free pizza. That's pretty cool.
... Fuck you emeril.
First and foremost, this blog (aka me) would like to personally applaud katie for finally commenting. Welcome to the blogosphere. Howley could learn a thing or two from you.
For instance, how to be an attractive female. Howley, step up your game.
But enough of howley and katie, they aren't important to this post. And howley gets really upset when I talk shit about him on my blog.
Back to what is important.. Emeril.
Here is why I strongly dislike emeril, I wont say hate because it is perhaps not the correct word. But I saw an episode of emeril, or whatever his show is called, and I wanted to commit first degree murder and convince my lawyer to get me off on manslaughter.
I watched his show and he walked out like an all-star. Like the messiah of food. He walked around a set. With an audience. In a suit. To music. It's a COOKING SHOW. He's not a leader of some grand nature.
He shook a randomly selected few hands from the front row (a man of the people, no doubt). and then began to cook.
Disgusting. But he's not as bad as rachel ray. I take it back, they are equally terrible. Want to know who wins? Barefoot Contessa, ina garten. She doesn't pretend to be anyone shes not and she makes damn good food. She has nice little food parties and is just a good gal. Cheers to the barefoot contessa.
But enough food network. Let's discuss something of supreme importance. Mac apps. This one is for davesplat because its very cool. Very cool. and it doesn't even use that much of your CPU. In fact, I notice zero difference in performance.
Download Wall Saver. It is great. Basically, whatever your screensaver is now becomes your background. Use flare at first and be amazed by the glory of dynamic desktop backgrounds.
Then go find a screen saver that is REALLY cool. Like Electric Sheep.
Tomorrow I'm going to post about the crazy storm we are getting. Everyone up in burlington still is here to weather the storm. I like what Jeff hyde said in his blog. It was about the way people bond over a nice snow storm.
People around me are discussing:
Two girls one finger.
Salsa snack.
I assume they are as terrible as two girls one cup. I bet you'd like me to check those videos out and tell you if they are terrible. But I won't. Call it suspense. Or maybe I just don't want to see them.
Ew. Ew gross. They are watching them and I'm listening to them. They sound just as bad. Splattering. Ew.
Ok, last thing.
Tonight I'm going to go to a friends house but guess where he lives. Walk to papa johns (like papa ginos or pizza hut) and then walk to the side door. The next door is his place. Thats right, he lives directly above papa johns. Weird, right? If you lived there wouldnt you get papa john's all the time? If you were really lazy or just too tired to move. Apparently he even gets free pizza. That's pretty cool.
... Fuck you emeril.
Friday, December 14, 2007
On things little, dead, and scary
You've been a good reader. Dare I say you've been a great reader. Naw, I won't say that because you've failed to leave comments. I suppose I don't blame you, I did leave you for a week or so with no explanation.
But in honor of how good of a reader you have been, I think you deserve a story. This is a scary story. This is a true story. You may have heard it before. But that doesn't matter. It is my story, I experienced it... and it scared the hell out of me.
First. Click and watch this. (it's really short)
.... submitted for the approval of the midnight society, I call this story
The tale of the little dead girl who scared the shit out of me
For whatever reason it’s stapled to the framework of society.
When a man has a girlfriend, its pretty much understood that if you go to a scary movie with her, the man should be somewhat comforting and a ready subscriber to the whole “I’ll protect you” deal. That way, ideally, she could curl up in your strong arms and she wouldn’t be afraid anymore. Great tactic and time-honored tradition in chivalry.
I’m usually not scared of movies.
When I’m looking back at Jason hunting me with malicious intent, I’ll be pretty afraid. When I’m watching it, not so much. I don’t know why, maybe because I know whats going on. It’s pretty simple… guy, knife, death.
So in highschool my girlfriend and I went to see The Ring. When I walked in, I’m thinking, “scary movies don’t scare me”.
By the time I got home, I had to ask my dad not to go to sleep, because clearly if I was alone, a little dead girl would crawl out of the screen and kill me in mysterious face-melting ways.
It was really kind of nice, in the theater. I had a good thing going on to cope with what I was watching on the HUGE SCREEN in front of me. One of my favorite techniques that I employed was pretty lucrative.
Blur your eyes
look at the bottom of the screen.
Also, stick your finger in your ear to limit as many sensory perceptions as possible, making sure to use the hand opposite your girlfriend, so as to be able to uphold the highly praised tradition chivalry
I don’t know what it is about little dead girls. That’s what it is that’s so scary about them. I just don’t know! Jason coming at me, simple. Little girl, stringy black hair, white as printer paper, not simple. Very crazy, very scary, and I’m not even going to mention the part in the very beginning of the movie, when the girl gets severely messed with by this mind-freak of a little dead girl. Making TVs go to snow and scary little voices call your phone. But then when she walks upstairs, and the door opens… and it zooms into her face. Oh man.

If you’ve seen the movie, I find it very hard to believe you aren’t just as frightened as I am when you think about it.
A while goes by and I rent the DVD; mostly because I wanted to see this movie that had scared me so much. Clearly the HUGE screen was so large that I just thought I was in the movie or something similar. I couldn’t understand the whole idea of, “it’s just a movie, nothings coming to get you” because of the big screen. On my tv, no problem, right?
Wrong. I couldn’t even get passed the main menu. No joke, on the menu there were these really scary options, and one was called “the film”. When you went over it, it started freaking out and skipping little parts of the movie that kills people. I didn’t have time to watch the movie right now, but I could watch “the film”.
So I pressed it, middle of the day, in a room with open windows and open doors flooded with sunlight. I had to mute it. And I didn’t watch the whole thing.
This is how scared I am of little dead girls.
It’s a while later, I only think about little dead girls when it’s really foggy and I’m driving home alone at night. Then I just listen to music or something, get her stringy hair out of my mind.
It happens to be one of those foggy nights, not really foggy, but just enough to hit a fog wisp or two on an open road.

I’m driving one of my friends back to his house, hes a little drunk, I only had a beer because I had PSATs the next morning and needed to be on top of my game and up on time real early for a Saturday morning.
He has the passenger side window open, though, to air out his whole drunken situation. I drop him off and make my way home. I’m going the quickest route, back behind the highschool next to the big rocks and the road that has a pretty sharp turn to the right and then to the left again.
I’m driving past the rocks, I’ve got my highbeams on because nobody else is going to be on the road and I just felt like checking out the fog in the headlights.
I turn to the right, then to the left.
And right in my lights, in the middle of the street behind the highschool in the fog is a little dead girl.

I don’t know shes dead, I don’t know what she is. She is standing there though barefooted and blindingly white from her exposed skin in the headlights.
I’m absolutely stunned, car stopped and rolling forward slowly. I can’t really be seeing this. Shes looking down with stringy black hair infront of her face, and shes’s stumbling back and forth. Her legs are bare and pale white from her feet to some white clothing. I could barely get a look at it I was so completely terrified.
This girl wasn’t getting any less real and I was getting very close to her. At this point I’m pretty much in shock, just trying to understand what is happening in front of me. Who is this girl, what is this, why am I still alive.
She all of a sudden notices the car and drops onto the hood near the passenger side. I can feel her dead body fall onto the hood of the car as she clambers up to the window.
At this point, I recognize the girl and get a taste of a world that doesn’t harbor little dead girls. I recognize her as a freshman in my highschool. But just a taste, as my present reality still contains a scary creature that does nothing but fit the description of my worst nightmare.
She CRAWLS in the window of the car, with me pressed against the driver side window like I’m trying to pop a water balloon with my back, her leg and bare feet swing up over her head and press all the buttons on my radio and spin the volume knob.
In my frightened state, in which I just came as close as a teenager could possibly come to having a heart attack, suddenly I find myself listening to ear piercing loud static, snow, on the AM radio. Snow! A little dead girl’s weapon of choice.
It was weird that I was somewhat relieved to see her puke out the side of my car and onto the door. I felt like the survivors of Jurassic park flying back home in that helicopter.
I stepped out of the car and called my mom. And went over to see how the girl was doing on the other side. Pretty much what I expected, she tried to say sorry for puking on the outside of the door, but ended up trying to wipe it up with her already bile-saturated sweatshirt sleeves. She ended up falling out of the window into the pile of a freshly evacuated stomach.
It was so odd that I was able to look at a balled up girl on the road in a pile of puke beside my car and actually feel relieved.
Little dead girls are still my worst nightmare.
But in honor of how good of a reader you have been, I think you deserve a story. This is a scary story. This is a true story. You may have heard it before. But that doesn't matter. It is my story, I experienced it... and it scared the hell out of me.
First. Click and watch this. (it's really short)
.... submitted for the approval of the midnight society, I call this story
The tale of the little dead girl who scared the shit out of me
For whatever reason it’s stapled to the framework of society.

I’m usually not scared of movies.

So in highschool my girlfriend and I went to see The Ring. When I walked in, I’m thinking, “scary movies don’t scare me”.
By the time I got home, I had to ask my dad not to go to sleep, because clearly if I was alone, a little dead girl would crawl out of the screen and kill me in mysterious face-melting ways.
It was really kind of nice, in the theater. I had a good thing going on to cope with what I was watching on the HUGE SCREEN in front of me. One of my favorite techniques that I employed was pretty lucrative.
Blur your eyes
look at the bottom of the screen.
Also, stick your finger in your ear to limit as many sensory perceptions as possible, making sure to use the hand opposite your girlfriend, so as to be able to uphold the highly praised tradition chivalry
I don’t know what it is about little dead girls. That’s what it is that’s so scary about them. I just don’t know! Jason coming at me, simple. Little girl, stringy black hair, white as printer paper, not simple. Very crazy, very scary, and I’m not even going to mention the part in the very beginning of the movie, when the girl gets severely messed with by this mind-freak of a little dead girl. Making TVs go to snow and scary little voices call your phone. But then when she walks upstairs, and the door opens… and it zooms into her face. Oh man.

If you’ve seen the movie, I find it very hard to believe you aren’t just as frightened as I am when you think about it.
A while goes by and I rent the DVD; mostly because I wanted to see this movie that had scared me so much. Clearly the HUGE screen was so large that I just thought I was in the movie or something similar. I couldn’t understand the whole idea of, “it’s just a movie, nothings coming to get you” because of the big screen. On my tv, no problem, right?
Wrong. I couldn’t even get passed the main menu. No joke, on the menu there were these really scary options, and one was called “the film”. When you went over it, it started freaking out and skipping little parts of the movie that kills people. I didn’t have time to watch the movie right now, but I could watch “the film”.
So I pressed it, middle of the day, in a room with open windows and open doors flooded with sunlight. I had to mute it. And I didn’t watch the whole thing.
This is how scared I am of little dead girls.
It’s a while later, I only think about little dead girls when it’s really foggy and I’m driving home alone at night. Then I just listen to music or something, get her stringy hair out of my mind.
It happens to be one of those foggy nights, not really foggy, but just enough to hit a fog wisp or two on an open road.

I’m driving one of my friends back to his house, hes a little drunk, I only had a beer because I had PSATs the next morning and needed to be on top of my game and up on time real early for a Saturday morning.
He has the passenger side window open, though, to air out his whole drunken situation. I drop him off and make my way home. I’m going the quickest route, back behind the highschool next to the big rocks and the road that has a pretty sharp turn to the right and then to the left again.
I’m driving past the rocks, I’ve got my highbeams on because nobody else is going to be on the road and I just felt like checking out the fog in the headlights.
I turn to the right, then to the left.
And right in my lights, in the middle of the street behind the highschool in the fog is a little dead girl.

I don’t know shes dead, I don’t know what she is. She is standing there though barefooted and blindingly white from her exposed skin in the headlights.
I’m absolutely stunned, car stopped and rolling forward slowly. I can’t really be seeing this. Shes looking down with stringy black hair infront of her face, and shes’s stumbling back and forth. Her legs are bare and pale white from her feet to some white clothing. I could barely get a look at it I was so completely terrified.
This girl wasn’t getting any less real and I was getting very close to her. At this point I’m pretty much in shock, just trying to understand what is happening in front of me. Who is this girl, what is this, why am I still alive.
She all of a sudden notices the car and drops onto the hood near the passenger side. I can feel her dead body fall onto the hood of the car as she clambers up to the window.
At this point, I recognize the girl and get a taste of a world that doesn’t harbor little dead girls. I recognize her as a freshman in my highschool. But just a taste, as my present reality still contains a scary creature that does nothing but fit the description of my worst nightmare.
She CRAWLS in the window of the car, with me pressed against the driver side window like I’m trying to pop a water balloon with my back, her leg and bare feet swing up over her head and press all the buttons on my radio and spin the volume knob.
In my frightened state, in which I just came as close as a teenager could possibly come to having a heart attack, suddenly I find myself listening to ear piercing loud static, snow, on the AM radio. Snow! A little dead girl’s weapon of choice.
It was weird that I was somewhat relieved to see her puke out the side of my car and onto the door. I felt like the survivors of Jurassic park flying back home in that helicopter.
I stepped out of the car and called my mom. And went over to see how the girl was doing on the other side. Pretty much what I expected, she tried to say sorry for puking on the outside of the door, but ended up trying to wipe it up with her already bile-saturated sweatshirt sleeves. She ended up falling out of the window into the pile of a freshly evacuated stomach.
It was so odd that I was able to look at a balled up girl on the road in a pile of puke beside my car and actually feel relieved.
Little dead girls are still my worst nightmare.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Ode to Joy
This post is titled Ode to Joy because nobody has ever made an ode to joy before, and I think this is a completely necessary occasion.
What is the occasion, you ask?
Baby, I just finished exams. That's right. I just finished my last essay for my last class. That means that I'm done with fall 07 and I'm pretty happy about the way it went. It's champagne wishes and caviar dreams from here on out.
Well, until next semester, but by the ill be very rejuvenated and ready to attack.
I'll be applying for a research scholarship, that'll be nice if I get that. Over break I'm going to try to come up with my own research idea. Let me know if you happen to be sitting around thinking about spines and come up with something neat to test.
Here are my plans for break... roughly. An outline, if you will
-New York. thats right. Start spreadin the news. Cause I'm leavin sometime during break. I'd like to be there on the 8th because a friend of mine invited me for a great shimdig. Personally, I just want to walk around with a map. Take as much public transportation as I can, make a list of a few places I'd like to see. For one, I want to see's radio station. I want to see the natural history museum clearly. There are a lot of things I'd like to check out. But mostly I want to walk around weaving in and out of streets (with a map!)
I just love city-walking. After being in australia I'm kind of addicted. I was walking around with a map in australia, it was a topographic map and I was trying to triangulate my location using a compass and all those neat things. It was fun. It was really fun. But once I got into a city I realized... wait a tick! EVERYTHING IS LABELED! Yeah. You know, humans put SIGNS everywhere. How can you possible get lost? Not to mention, I dont need to carry my life on my back. In fact, If i need to reration, I just stop at a coffee shop and get something to eat. Done.
So thats new york, and thats what I want to do there.
-Boston. I haven't done it in boston yet! Contrary to semi-popular demand, I don't really know my way around boston. "ITS SO SMALL!" shut up howley. I'm going to check it out over break in similar fashion. I might see the whole thing, even!
Pressing forward...
-Web page. Its about time I made a website for my NOLS trip. I'm going to. As well as update the AERO site (its a hybrid vehicle club I'm in)
-Blog. Damn right, hope you like reading this crap cause there is more on the way.
-Come up to vermont. yep. I'm coming up for a day or two.
- Enjoy christmas cheer. That includes (but is not limited to) chirstmas trees, egg nog and whiskey, presents, pine needle smells, talking to mrs hyde about cooking, jolly good cheer
- See tully. You heard me. I havent seen the kid in way too long. In fact, whenever I leave boston he is arriving, or vice versa. Its pretty ridiculous. But this time I'm going to see him.
-the research thing I talked about
-Party. I'm having a party. So that should be a good time. Two kegs I'm thinking. We'll see. I may have delusions of gradure with some of the things I'm thinking of, but for sure having a party, my parents are leaving me iwth the house for a week and its about time.
But you are probably thinking.... mark, you are done! when do you come home?
Thats a very good question and you are a very good blog reader for being so on the ball. And because you asked, I'll give you an ambiguous answer. I could be home monday. I could be home earlier or even a little bit later.
Current location in space time: In the davis center, just finished my papers and am sitting at a table one floor up with a view of all the peasants below. Im surrounded by books but i dont need them anymore. Which is a nice feeling. Bookshelf those suckers and pretend to be worldly, check.
Ok. Time for relaxation and or hopps.
edit: I nearly forgot! You must download and listen to this, play it loud. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata. The man says in a few minutes what I couldn't say in 15 pages. briliant.
What is the occasion, you ask?
Baby, I just finished exams. That's right. I just finished my last essay for my last class. That means that I'm done with fall 07 and I'm pretty happy about the way it went. It's champagne wishes and caviar dreams from here on out.
Well, until next semester, but by the ill be very rejuvenated and ready to attack.
I'll be applying for a research scholarship, that'll be nice if I get that. Over break I'm going to try to come up with my own research idea. Let me know if you happen to be sitting around thinking about spines and come up with something neat to test.
Here are my plans for break... roughly. An outline, if you will
-New York. thats right. Start spreadin the news. Cause I'm leavin sometime during break. I'd like to be there on the 8th because a friend of mine invited me for a great shimdig. Personally, I just want to walk around with a map. Take as much public transportation as I can, make a list of a few places I'd like to see. For one, I want to see's radio station. I want to see the natural history museum clearly. There are a lot of things I'd like to check out. But mostly I want to walk around weaving in and out of streets (with a map!)
I just love city-walking. After being in australia I'm kind of addicted. I was walking around with a map in australia, it was a topographic map and I was trying to triangulate my location using a compass and all those neat things. It was fun. It was really fun. But once I got into a city I realized... wait a tick! EVERYTHING IS LABELED! Yeah. You know, humans put SIGNS everywhere. How can you possible get lost? Not to mention, I dont need to carry my life on my back. In fact, If i need to reration, I just stop at a coffee shop and get something to eat. Done.
So thats new york, and thats what I want to do there.
-Boston. I haven't done it in boston yet! Contrary to semi-popular demand, I don't really know my way around boston. "ITS SO SMALL!" shut up howley. I'm going to check it out over break in similar fashion. I might see the whole thing, even!
Pressing forward...
-Web page. Its about time I made a website for my NOLS trip. I'm going to. As well as update the AERO site (its a hybrid vehicle club I'm in)
-Blog. Damn right, hope you like reading this crap cause there is more on the way.
-Come up to vermont. yep. I'm coming up for a day or two.
- Enjoy christmas cheer. That includes (but is not limited to) chirstmas trees, egg nog and whiskey, presents, pine needle smells, talking to mrs hyde about cooking, jolly good cheer
- See tully. You heard me. I havent seen the kid in way too long. In fact, whenever I leave boston he is arriving, or vice versa. Its pretty ridiculous. But this time I'm going to see him.
-the research thing I talked about
-Party. I'm having a party. So that should be a good time. Two kegs I'm thinking. We'll see. I may have delusions of gradure with some of the things I'm thinking of, but for sure having a party, my parents are leaving me iwth the house for a week and its about time.
But you are probably thinking.... mark, you are done! when do you come home?
Thats a very good question and you are a very good blog reader for being so on the ball. And because you asked, I'll give you an ambiguous answer. I could be home monday. I could be home earlier or even a little bit later.
Current location in space time: In the davis center, just finished my papers and am sitting at a table one floor up with a view of all the peasants below. Im surrounded by books but i dont need them anymore. Which is a nice feeling. Bookshelf those suckers and pretend to be worldly, check.
Ok. Time for relaxation and or hopps.
edit: I nearly forgot! You must download and listen to this, play it loud. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata. The man says in a few minutes what I couldn't say in 15 pages. briliant.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Socrates said I'm sorry, he said I'm sorry you are such an idiot. then they killed him.
Turns out that Audi really hooks you up when it comes to getting flat tires. I was thinking how much it was going to suck to use a tiny fold up car lifting device to take the ridiculously flat tire off my car. And then Id have to put a shitty little bicycle tire on instead.

Well audi hooked it up and turns out I had a spare tire in the trunk. A full on spare. None of that little tire nonsense. And the jack was pretty nice too. Dare I say it was baller.
Cheers to finishing two exams and kicking their asses. I've only got two left so between now and thursday I'm overclocking my body's cpu, if ya know what i mean.
I apologize to my fans, ive been reading your posts and i feel bad that youve probably noticed I havent added anyhting new. But i dont feel that bad.
Egg nog is interesting stuff. Its real thick. Gotta be fatty cause it sticks to the side of the glass you drink it in. Its almost like you melt ice cream and then drink it and call it Egg nog. Which for some reason is just fun to say or write. egg nog.
well you getchur nog and you mix it with wild turkey burbon and sprinkle a bit of nutmeg on top and tis the season. Its good, its wholesome, and it makes you feel like wearing a christmas sweater.
About xmas sweaters, people should stop having christmas sweater themed parties. I'll accept one or two, but there are too many as of right now. Bad move. leave room for santa.
christmas shopping is going to be nice this year, havent done much thinking about it but i'll make sure to dedicate some time to it.
davesplat is having a good time in LA im proud of him. and well done posting the adventures.

I've decided that over break Im going to New york city. Thats right, bitches... the big apple. The city of cities. The USA equivalent to coruscant. (thats different than a french pastry.. to those who are ill informed and weak in the ways ofthe force)
I want to see big buildings. I want to see really big buildings, to the point where at some stage in my life i want to go to dubai and check out that RIDICULOUS building they are erecting. You have to check it out, look it up. Shits crazy.
So i'm going to new york and im going to walk around for as long as i can. I'll take pictures. I'll post them. We'll share some memories.
Ok thats good for now.

Well audi hooked it up and turns out I had a spare tire in the trunk. A full on spare. None of that little tire nonsense. And the jack was pretty nice too. Dare I say it was baller.
Cheers to finishing two exams and kicking their asses. I've only got two left so between now and thursday I'm overclocking my body's cpu, if ya know what i mean.
I apologize to my fans, ive been reading your posts and i feel bad that youve probably noticed I havent added anyhting new. But i dont feel that bad.
Egg nog is interesting stuff. Its real thick. Gotta be fatty cause it sticks to the side of the glass you drink it in. Its almost like you melt ice cream and then drink it and call it Egg nog. Which for some reason is just fun to say or write. egg nog.
well you getchur nog and you mix it with wild turkey burbon and sprinkle a bit of nutmeg on top and tis the season. Its good, its wholesome, and it makes you feel like wearing a christmas sweater.
About xmas sweaters, people should stop having christmas sweater themed parties. I'll accept one or two, but there are too many as of right now. Bad move. leave room for santa.
christmas shopping is going to be nice this year, havent done much thinking about it but i'll make sure to dedicate some time to it.
davesplat is having a good time in LA im proud of him. and well done posting the adventures.

I've decided that over break Im going to New york city. Thats right, bitches... the big apple. The city of cities. The USA equivalent to coruscant. (thats different than a french pastry.. to those who are ill informed and weak in the ways ofthe force)
I want to see big buildings. I want to see really big buildings, to the point where at some stage in my life i want to go to dubai and check out that RIDICULOUS building they are erecting. You have to check it out, look it up. Shits crazy.
So i'm going to new york and im going to walk around for as long as i can. I'll take pictures. I'll post them. We'll share some memories.
Ok thats good for now.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A bad day? Really?
Have you ever had a really terrible day but not really cared very much.. and borderline enjoyed it? Well then you know how I felt yesterday.
I wasn't upset in the least, maybe all this zen masterbation is allowing me to love life just because I'm alive.. or maybe it was all just a little bit funny.
I'll give you a rundown of how the day was bad. But it was so bad it was good. Plus nobody got hurt so I'm technically allowed to enjoy it.
Started off with my alarm not going off and my mind jerking into alertness as I looked at my clock read "9:03". Class starts at 9:05... can't miss this class cause I got an email already about that sort of tom-foolery.
Brush teeth, scuttle to class. Arrive late like an asshole.
Next, immediately to the lab to compile data for the final lab project. realize its going to take a very...very long time. click, click, type type enter. rinse, repeat, forever.
go to math class (still havent eaten anything) and realize i dont know the material very well. back to the lab. click click boom. its now time to meet with kids about a very different project. 2 hours of discussion, still no food.
its now 530pm and ive been working all day, realize I have a meeting at 6... gorge myself on cold indian food for 10 minutes. I find out an email I sent was without attachment (why? i definitely attached it) .. must resend while simultaneously eating cold indian cuisine.
meeting at 6.. lasts two hours. very unecessary, too. its a parking ban in burlington for snow so i need to bring my car to the parking garage before 10pm or it gets towed.
I walk back to my apartment, realize my car is towed anyway. Go upstairs to do work for project, computer wont turn on. the motherboard just beeps like a jerk. I have to go get my car before the tow place wont let me get it and makes me pay an extra 50 dollars... minus 50 HP. Eventually I get to the tow place but the only guy there is about to leave (even though its not supposed to close yet) and doesnt know how to use any of the computers or even a calculator.
He calls a guy and it takes a long time to get my car. the whole time, keep in mind, I'm actually kind of amused. call me a masachist. or maybe I'm into the whole s&m bad day addition.
So after 30 min or so I pay 100 dollars and he tells me i can free my car.
Realize they towed LOTS of cars, all of which look the same cause they are covered in snow and packed very closely together. So i run through the parking lot trying to maximize efficiency. Eventually find it. But I cant get in the door cause its too close to another car. So i need to squeeze in a ridiculous door and crawl into the drivers seat, start it up, then eventually get all the bullcrap off of it so i can drive back to burlington to park in a garage (parking ban, remember?)
All the parking garages are full. Look around for another hour or so and evnetually find a parking garage that works (i hope, still need to see if it was legit, ill find out tonight)
Anyway. I walked home and got there at around 10, 1030. Just in time to watch the rest of the pats. they won and it was a great game so that was a nice cap to the day.
at least some people had a pretty good day.
But i really enjoyed mine. No sarcasm.
I wasn't upset in the least, maybe all this zen masterbation is allowing me to love life just because I'm alive.. or maybe it was all just a little bit funny.
I'll give you a rundown of how the day was bad. But it was so bad it was good. Plus nobody got hurt so I'm technically allowed to enjoy it.
Started off with my alarm not going off and my mind jerking into alertness as I looked at my clock read "9:03". Class starts at 9:05... can't miss this class cause I got an email already about that sort of tom-foolery.
Brush teeth, scuttle to class. Arrive late like an asshole.
Next, immediately to the lab to compile data for the final lab project. realize its going to take a very...very long time. click, click, type type enter. rinse, repeat, forever.
go to math class (still havent eaten anything) and realize i dont know the material very well. back to the lab. click click boom. its now time to meet with kids about a very different project. 2 hours of discussion, still no food.
its now 530pm and ive been working all day, realize I have a meeting at 6... gorge myself on cold indian food for 10 minutes. I find out an email I sent was without attachment (why? i definitely attached it) .. must resend while simultaneously eating cold indian cuisine.
meeting at 6.. lasts two hours. very unecessary, too. its a parking ban in burlington for snow so i need to bring my car to the parking garage before 10pm or it gets towed.
I walk back to my apartment, realize my car is towed anyway. Go upstairs to do work for project, computer wont turn on. the motherboard just beeps like a jerk. I have to go get my car before the tow place wont let me get it and makes me pay an extra 50 dollars... minus 50 HP. Eventually I get to the tow place but the only guy there is about to leave (even though its not supposed to close yet) and doesnt know how to use any of the computers or even a calculator.
He calls a guy and it takes a long time to get my car. the whole time, keep in mind, I'm actually kind of amused. call me a masachist. or maybe I'm into the whole s&m bad day addition.
So after 30 min or so I pay 100 dollars and he tells me i can free my car.
Realize they towed LOTS of cars, all of which look the same cause they are covered in snow and packed very closely together. So i run through the parking lot trying to maximize efficiency. Eventually find it. But I cant get in the door cause its too close to another car. So i need to squeeze in a ridiculous door and crawl into the drivers seat, start it up, then eventually get all the bullcrap off of it so i can drive back to burlington to park in a garage (parking ban, remember?)
All the parking garages are full. Look around for another hour or so and evnetually find a parking garage that works (i hope, still need to see if it was legit, ill find out tonight)
Anyway. I walked home and got there at around 10, 1030. Just in time to watch the rest of the pats. they won and it was a great game so that was a nice cap to the day.
at least some people had a pretty good day.
But i really enjoyed mine. No sarcasm.
Monday, December 3, 2007
A plague of both your blogs
Hey everyone. It is that time of the year. You know, the end of the semester. Snow is coming down and everyone realizes that they should finish that project, open that text book, clean their room and grind out the last work of these classes.
I've got two on Friday, one of which is from 7pm to 10pm. Woooooo. That's the most interesting time I've ever had to take a final. Friday night. Whatever.
I wonder how long I'm going to stay up at school after my Exams are over. It might be nice to have a few days or even a week to just take it easy. Plus I've got to do some research anyway.
But remember I told you that radio lab was right up my alley? Well it is. It's friggin awesome. The stuff they talk about is the stuff I wonder about. For example, last night I listened to the show that discussed what music is. Oh weiirrdd because I just posted something about that.
The next topic I listen to is going to be about "Time". Oh what do you know? I also posted about that. Very neat podcast. Maybe even the neatest ever.
It's made really well too. An hour of auditory goodness. The first 15 min or so of the music one was particularly cool.
But here is a giant slap in the face to everything Mac... Why doesn't someone develop software that is capable of ripping DVDs efficiently. I'm sorry, handbrake and mactheripper suck. DVDShrink is the way forward.. its free to all windows users.
I'm upset because I need to get select clips from star wars for my Political Science project. Its an analysis of the similarities between star wars and machiavelli's "the prince". I'll try and sneak a couple frames of boba fett in there but no promises.
anyway, I'm forced to do my ripping on a PC. fuck you, mac community.

But apple isnt all wrong. Because I heard that they are going to be working with volkswagen to design their new console. Imagine how ultimately badass that would be. the iCar. I want. (J.hyde, new stock choice?). Also we should check out samsung because they are ultimately badass. And when the gPhone comes out its going to be with samsung.
That, and the fact that they made this sweet robotic sentry gun
I'm sorry to inform you, reader, but you are in the doghouse.
Google analytics told me you arent pulling your weight. We took a steep plunge this weekend. On saturday this site had its lowest recorded traffic... 7 visits. I guess I can't blame you entirely, I didn't post really. But shame on you.
I think you all owe me an apology in the form of comments.
I will also accept subscriptions to radiolab. Whichever works better for you.
I've also decided I might do something... let me know what you think..
I might make a cooking show. maybe just a single episode. But let me tell you, Sunday was a BIG day for cooking.
I'm a big supporter of dough products. I love to make dough and try to incorporate it as much as possible. I made an unbelievable breakfast treat that mocks the gods.
I cooked up ground sausage and browned onions with it. then I flattened out some dough into a circle. I cooked up a semicircle of egg, put the sausge and onions on it, melted cheese, you know the deal. But then I fried the circle of dough. Ketchup on the dough, egg sausage, onion, cheese on top of ketchup, maple syrup on top of that, fold the fried dough.
we're talking high quality stuff here. It was heralded as the most delicious treat i have ever made, and I might have to agree with it.
If there is enough interest, look forward to a video of the procedure.
Ok, back to reality.
Chedder to the out.
I've got two on Friday, one of which is from 7pm to 10pm. Woooooo. That's the most interesting time I've ever had to take a final. Friday night. Whatever.
I wonder how long I'm going to stay up at school after my Exams are over. It might be nice to have a few days or even a week to just take it easy. Plus I've got to do some research anyway.
But remember I told you that radio lab was right up my alley? Well it is. It's friggin awesome. The stuff they talk about is the stuff I wonder about. For example, last night I listened to the show that discussed what music is. Oh weiirrdd because I just posted something about that.
The next topic I listen to is going to be about "Time". Oh what do you know? I also posted about that. Very neat podcast. Maybe even the neatest ever.
It's made really well too. An hour of auditory goodness. The first 15 min or so of the music one was particularly cool.
But here is a giant slap in the face to everything Mac... Why doesn't someone develop software that is capable of ripping DVDs efficiently. I'm sorry, handbrake and mactheripper suck. DVDShrink is the way forward.. its free to all windows users.
I'm upset because I need to get select clips from star wars for my Political Science project. Its an analysis of the similarities between star wars and machiavelli's "the prince". I'll try and sneak a couple frames of boba fett in there but no promises.
anyway, I'm forced to do my ripping on a PC. fuck you, mac community.

But apple isnt all wrong. Because I heard that they are going to be working with volkswagen to design their new console. Imagine how ultimately badass that would be. the iCar. I want. (J.hyde, new stock choice?). Also we should check out samsung because they are ultimately badass. And when the gPhone comes out its going to be with samsung.
That, and the fact that they made this sweet robotic sentry gun
I'm sorry to inform you, reader, but you are in the doghouse.
Google analytics told me you arent pulling your weight. We took a steep plunge this weekend. On saturday this site had its lowest recorded traffic... 7 visits. I guess I can't blame you entirely, I didn't post really. But shame on you.
I think you all owe me an apology in the form of comments.
I will also accept subscriptions to radiolab. Whichever works better for you.
I've also decided I might do something... let me know what you think..
I might make a cooking show. maybe just a single episode. But let me tell you, Sunday was a BIG day for cooking.
I'm a big supporter of dough products. I love to make dough and try to incorporate it as much as possible. I made an unbelievable breakfast treat that mocks the gods.
I cooked up ground sausage and browned onions with it. then I flattened out some dough into a circle. I cooked up a semicircle of egg, put the sausge and onions on it, melted cheese, you know the deal. But then I fried the circle of dough. Ketchup on the dough, egg sausage, onion, cheese on top of ketchup, maple syrup on top of that, fold the fried dough.
we're talking high quality stuff here. It was heralded as the most delicious treat i have ever made, and I might have to agree with it.
If there is enough interest, look forward to a video of the procedure.
Ok, back to reality.
Chedder to the out.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Ever put eyedrops in your eyes? They can be soothing. Its like when you dip some lobster in melted buter. Its all lubricated and awesome. When you put visene or cleareyes in your eyes its like your eyes just got a fresh glass of water.
One of my favorite things to do is to have people put rohto in their eyes. Its not the same as cleareyes, yet it achieves pretty much the same goal. There is one key difference. If your eyes had nuts, rohto kicks them.
It is painful to the uninitiated. Its kind of like when you taste beer when you are little "ew this is gross, Id rather have an apple juice". But then you begin to understand. And thus, rohto is what you should put in your eyes. Moreover, rohto is what you should have your friends put in their eyes.
Today I toasted a bagel in my oven. I usually toast bagels in a toaster or on a buttered pan. I use my oven because I burned the wire going to my toaster because it was too close to the stove top and melted. Anyway I had it on bake, slowly getting toasty delicious so that by the time I was done with the sausage and egg It could be put on top and called a day. But thats when my roomate convinced me that Broil was the key.
Turns out if you leave a bagel in an oven set to broil you get a completely black bagel. Like charred to the point where if I ran out of pencils I could easily just rub this bagel shaped charcoal onto the parchment and easily write or draw stuff.
Coffee is more expensive per gallon than gasoline. Coffee doesnt run my car. Gasoline doesn't taste as good. You do the math.
A friend of mine is a female. She literally washes her sheets once a week. She has a comfortable bed with 4 sheets. She also has lavender oil and lavender spray that she pours onto her bed. One of her pillows has a built in potpourri pouch. Yesterday when I was laying on her bed I realized all of this over the course of about 30 minutes. Not too far after a friend of mine decided to grab the lavender oil bottle and pour it on me.
The scene was much like that scene in saving private ryan, when that german stabs the jewish guy. Except instead of a brutal knife it was a brown glass bottle of lavender oil. I had a drink in my hand so i was fighting him off with one hand.
Last night I smelled terribly of lavender. I smelled like bath and body works or whatever that place in the mall is that just smells awful with too much girl smell.
I'm not against candles though. I have one in my room. Something vanilla. Its awesome.
Alright, a visiting friend just walked in the door. I'll have to talk to you all later.
But check out this podcast that I'm told I have to check out. It's called 'radiolab' i think. Apparently it is right up my alley. So that should be good. I'll check it out when I have time and probably post about it.
Sorry for abandoning you yesterday, I was really busy.
Chedder out
One of my favorite things to do is to have people put rohto in their eyes. Its not the same as cleareyes, yet it achieves pretty much the same goal. There is one key difference. If your eyes had nuts, rohto kicks them.
It is painful to the uninitiated. Its kind of like when you taste beer when you are little "ew this is gross, Id rather have an apple juice". But then you begin to understand. And thus, rohto is what you should put in your eyes. Moreover, rohto is what you should have your friends put in their eyes.
Today I toasted a bagel in my oven. I usually toast bagels in a toaster or on a buttered pan. I use my oven because I burned the wire going to my toaster because it was too close to the stove top and melted. Anyway I had it on bake, slowly getting toasty delicious so that by the time I was done with the sausage and egg It could be put on top and called a day. But thats when my roomate convinced me that Broil was the key.
Turns out if you leave a bagel in an oven set to broil you get a completely black bagel. Like charred to the point where if I ran out of pencils I could easily just rub this bagel shaped charcoal onto the parchment and easily write or draw stuff.
Coffee is more expensive per gallon than gasoline. Coffee doesnt run my car. Gasoline doesn't taste as good. You do the math.
A friend of mine is a female. She literally washes her sheets once a week. She has a comfortable bed with 4 sheets. She also has lavender oil and lavender spray that she pours onto her bed. One of her pillows has a built in potpourri pouch. Yesterday when I was laying on her bed I realized all of this over the course of about 30 minutes. Not too far after a friend of mine decided to grab the lavender oil bottle and pour it on me.
The scene was much like that scene in saving private ryan, when that german stabs the jewish guy. Except instead of a brutal knife it was a brown glass bottle of lavender oil. I had a drink in my hand so i was fighting him off with one hand.
Last night I smelled terribly of lavender. I smelled like bath and body works or whatever that place in the mall is that just smells awful with too much girl smell.
I'm not against candles though. I have one in my room. Something vanilla. Its awesome.
Alright, a visiting friend just walked in the door. I'll have to talk to you all later.
But check out this podcast that I'm told I have to check out. It's called 'radiolab' i think. Apparently it is right up my alley. So that should be good. I'll check it out when I have time and probably post about it.
Sorry for abandoning you yesterday, I was really busy.
Chedder out
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