Well audi hooked it up and turns out I had a spare tire in the trunk. A full on spare. None of that little tire nonsense. And the jack was pretty nice too. Dare I say it was baller.
Cheers to finishing two exams and kicking their asses. I've only got two left so between now and thursday I'm overclocking my body's cpu, if ya know what i mean.
I apologize to my fans, ive been reading your posts and i feel bad that youve probably noticed I havent added anyhting new. But i dont feel that bad.
Egg nog is interesting stuff. Its real thick. Gotta be fatty cause it sticks to the side of the glass you drink it in. Its almost like you melt ice cream and then drink it and call it Egg nog. Which for some reason is just fun to say or write. egg nog.
well you getchur nog and you mix it with wild turkey burbon and sprinkle a bit of nutmeg on top and tis the season. Its good, its wholesome, and it makes you feel like wearing a christmas sweater.
About xmas sweaters, people should stop having christmas sweater themed parties. I'll accept one or two, but there are too many as of right now. Bad move. leave room for santa.
christmas shopping is going to be nice this year, havent done much thinking about it but i'll make sure to dedicate some time to it.
davesplat is having a good time in LA im proud of him. and well done posting the adventures.

I've decided that over break Im going to New york city. Thats right, bitches... the big apple. The city of cities. The USA equivalent to coruscant. (thats different than a french pastry.. to those who are ill informed and weak in the ways ofthe force)
I want to see big buildings. I want to see really big buildings, to the point where at some stage in my life i want to go to dubai and check out that RIDICULOUS building they are erecting. You have to check it out, look it up. Shits crazy.
So i'm going to new york and im going to walk around for as long as i can. I'll take pictures. I'll post them. We'll share some memories.
Ok thats good for now.
1 comment:
let me know if/when new york plans get more concrete, i may be interested.
do bad sweater parties count?
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