Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A bad day? Really?

Have you ever had a really terrible day but not really cared very much.. and borderline enjoyed it? Well then you know how I felt yesterday.

I wasn't upset in the least, maybe all this zen masterbation is allowing me to love life just because I'm alive.. or maybe it was all just a little bit funny.

I'll give you a rundown of how the day was bad. But it was so bad it was good. Plus nobody got hurt so I'm technically allowed to enjoy it.

Started off with my alarm not going off and my mind jerking into alertness as I looked at my clock read "9:03". Class starts at 9:05... can't miss this class cause I got an email already about that sort of tom-foolery.

Brush teeth, scuttle to class. Arrive late like an asshole.

Next, immediately to the lab to compile data for the final lab project. realize its going to take a very...very long time. click, click, type type enter. rinse, repeat, forever.

go to math class (still havent eaten anything) and realize i dont know the material very well. back to the lab. click click boom. its now time to meet with kids about a very different project. 2 hours of discussion, still no food.

its now 530pm and ive been working all day, realize I have a meeting at 6... gorge myself on cold indian food for 10 minutes. I find out an email I sent was without attachment (why? i definitely attached it) .. must resend while simultaneously eating cold indian cuisine.

meeting at 6.. lasts two hours. very unecessary, too. its a parking ban in burlington for snow so i need to bring my car to the parking garage before 10pm or it gets towed.

I walk back to my apartment, realize my car is towed anyway. Go upstairs to do work for project, computer wont turn on. the motherboard just beeps like a jerk. I have to go get my car before the tow place wont let me get it and makes me pay an extra 50 dollars... minus 50 HP. Eventually I get to the tow place but the only guy there is about to leave (even though its not supposed to close yet) and doesnt know how to use any of the computers or even a calculator.

He calls a guy and it takes a long time to get my car. the whole time, keep in mind, I'm actually kind of amused. call me a masachist. or maybe I'm into the whole s&m bad day addition.

So after 30 min or so I pay 100 dollars and he tells me i can free my car.

Realize they towed LOTS of cars, all of which look the same cause they are covered in snow and packed very closely together. So i run through the parking lot trying to maximize efficiency. Eventually find it. But I cant get in the door cause its too close to another car. So i need to squeeze in a ridiculous door and crawl into the drivers seat, start it up, then eventually get all the bullcrap off of it so i can drive back to burlington to park in a garage (parking ban, remember?)

All the parking garages are full. Look around for another hour or so and evnetually find a parking garage that works (i hope, still need to see if it was legit, ill find out tonight)

Anyway. I walked home and got there at around 10, 1030. Just in time to watch the rest of the pats. they won and it was a great game so that was a nice cap to the day.

at least some people had a pretty good day.

But i really enjoyed mine. No sarcasm.

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