Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So I just beat my dad in chess. Count it.

I'm not very good at chess but it is such a great game. My parents got this great chess set. It's nothing ridiculous like crystal pieces or anything. Just nice solid pieces. Hopefully I'll have more than a few battles on the chess board over break.

Yesterday was a travel day so I didn't post. A few things on yesterday/this morning...

-People who have chunks of ice fly off the top of their car and onto the front windshield of mine suck. Though I dodged one chunk spewage.

-Don't press the windshield wiper to clean stuff off if you have no fluid. You end up with a bunch of sand and grime in your view that makes you drive with your face about an inch away from the window

-Don't just put your windshield wiper fluid, when refilling, in any old container with a blue cap. You might just put it in the wrong place, like I did. Idiot.

I woke up to the sound of alien blasters. It sounded so weird. It sounded like crazy bubble beams or something. Then I realized it was anders puking. Not quite an alien laser. But I swear I thought it was when I regained consciousness.

Ok guys, that's it for now. I've got to go into cambridge.
Peace to your fleece

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